Reichenbach Fall

My life was so empty
I was stuck in my yesterdays
But the blood and sweat never left me
And the present I couldn’t face

At first sight, I knew you weren’t safe
You knew me as if my life was written on my face
Throughout each and every dangerous mess
You were the one who filled that emptiness

The reason and rush you gave
With you I lived for the game
Neither of us now were alone
Because you and I are the same

Through thick and thin
Your only friend
Who saw not a madman
But the genius godsend

When nobody could, you were able
And with each word I admired you more
That day so tragic
Has left my eyes so sore

Looking up at your tears
You make these confessions
I scream but you still you jump

My heart forgets to beat
And my mind falls dead
The next I see
Your face is shattered and red

I am desperate and helpless
The end of your life is the end of mine
My tears are hoping for the impossible
And my life is back to the empty times

He was my best friend
And I’ll always believe in him
♠ ♠ ♠
You like the show Sherlock? Well then, you better read this poem. :P I wrote it after crying my arse off