Little Lost Puppy

You don't understand that she'll never like you and you keep going after her.
Tell me why you don't see me here,
Trying to keep you from breaking down and killing yourself?
You see her as your Hellen of Troy,
And I see you as my Prince Hector.
But you don't realize that I could be a demon from Hell,
And I'd change into an angel just for you.
You know I like you,
And you complain about how SHE won't give you a chance,
Why don't you give me a chance?
I would do anything for you my boy,
But I'm only the girl you vent to about how you keep on getting rejected,
That's exactly what Einstein defined insane as,
Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Dammit Michael,
I'm here for you all the time and you won't give me a chance because she won't give you a chance.
That's just mental.
I could be the one to make you happy,
I could make the depression die,
But you keep make the insane choice if chasing her like a lost puppy.
I won't give up.
I'm your little lost puppy.
Just look down and you'll see me.