
I know I hurt you.
I know you think I don't care.
I know you think I did it for the wrong reasons.
I didn't.
I did it to save you.
Save you from the hurt, from the insecurity, from the worrying.
I saved you because you don't deserve it.
Smiles. Laughter. Dancing.
That is what you deserve.
You're crying and upset now, but you'll thank me later.
I'm bad. Horrible. Unworthy of your love.
So take your love.
Just take it and give it to someone deserving.
One that won't hurt you.
One that won't break you.
One that you can trust fully.
I love you.
I have loved you since freshman year.
I've loved you since the first day I saw you.
A perfect creation by Him.
I had to let you go though.
To trap you. To hurt you. Wasn't what you needed.
Love. Unending love without hurt.
That is what you need. What you deserve.
What you should want, yearn for, dream about.
Something I can't give you.
Not right now. Maybe not ever.
I did not lie. I did not sneak. I did not play games.
But I did hurt you.
Something you do not deserve.