Mr. BunBun

I went outside to look for bugs
then I caught one, it had drugs

I threw it in a jam jar just for fun
I named him Mr. BunBun

He stopped moving after a while
So I left and came back with a Crocodile

He kept yelling, begging to be free
I said "Hold on, I need to pee."

When I came back he was not in sight
I looked at Mr. BunBun and said "It's gunna be a long night."

I went upstairs to check my room
the crocodile had eaten my broom

I let him free, he destroyed my stuff
I was stressed so BunBun offered me a puff

I took one hit and passed it back
That's how I found my new friend Jack.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ash Basher!!