The Monster

A banana,
in a blue, ceramic bowl.
It looks so good,
so yellow,
so gushy,
so smelly,
so yummy.

The monster's there,
sitting right on top of the banana,
and in my head,
clouding my logic.

It speaks to me,
"Be hungry,"

The words,
they strike as nails.
You know,
they say if you hear something enough,
you start to believe it.
They're right.

And so,
the battle continues on.
Each day,
each meal,
each snack.
The battle in my mind,
it continues on.

But I know the lies,
the monster does not know me.
The monster will destroy me,
hurt me,
weaken me,
hurt the ones I love.
The monster lies.
The monster hurts.
The monster weakens.
The monster kills.

The cycle needs to stop.
This trend,
one of every teen having an eating problem.
Self esteem issues,
distorted body images,
suicidal thoughts,

The monster that threatens us all.
It needs to be killed,
before it kills us.