
I shared with you my every thought and feeling, or at least the ones I could turn into eligible words. Those were things that I have never shared with anyone else; that I will never share with anyone else. For you have caused me to regret every word I have ever uttered that has fallen upon your ears. Those things were better kept to myself, where they were safe and secure. Tucked away to never cause me second guess myself, or make me feel like an open book. For that is what I feel like right now. A book that was left open at a doctors office. It’s spine torn apart from the numerous times it has been handled by ungentle hands, but it is never closed for no one ever finishes reading the worthless words. But you read me. You read me, and showed me the warmth of being held and being understood. But as quickly as those feeling overwhelmed me, they were replaced by the realization of how cold the room is compared to the warmth of your hands, and that you were only reading me to pass time.