Missing YOU

I love you, you know?
I miss you so much it hurts.
I wish you were here.

Oh pining for you,
it's easy to do, but sad.
I miss you so much.

Why can't you be near?
Nearer to me and loving.
Please, I am lonely.

Please don't leave me yet.
Just a little bit longer,
that's all I'm asking.

I am so lonely;
yearning for your touch and love.
Please come for me now.

If not now, later.
Just please come, eventually.
Be my queen always.

I love you so much.
Missing you is a bad thing.
So horrible, sad.

Come for me, princess.
I'm missing you, more than them.
Come rescue me soon.

Make my life better.
All I need is you to be:
just you, amazing.