My Past

I use to pretend I was superman
Saving my dolly from my doggy.
I ran around with a towel around my neck
Screaming "Have no fear,"

I use to be brave, having no fears
Not thinking twice on what I was doinng.
Placing good memories in my brain
That I would always cherish.

Picking weeds from my yard
Handing it to my mommy
She would would just smile saying her thank you.

I use to not care about getting dirty
Finding worms as I dig up the yard
Catching fireflies ad staying up watching them light up.

I miss thse days where all I had was the best memories.
♠ ♠ ♠
My past is the best part of me. It had shaped me into what I am today. I cherish those memories where ever I go I will always remember.