I'm a Mess Up

Gonna say this right now,
Don’t want to let you down, oh don’t want to let you down
I don’t even know why
I try so hard, for you,
When I told myself to give up,
I’m a mess up, but still some how,
I’m still going along with the ride.

Don’t bring yourself down,
When their complaints are profound,
To someone you are perfect,
No eyes are all judgmental,
You just need to fix the bad ways,
But don’t stray from your mind bank

I’m so stupid,
Thinking I had a chance,
Feeling neglected,
I was in a trance,
Though we fight all day and night,
You still love me with all you’re might,
I hoped that this was true,
Because you danced in my dreams,
I admit that I was a fool.
You were born as trash,
You were told to “Get out fast!”
I’m just too rash,
I admit that I was a fool,
Killing time, getting ready to lose
But I won’t give up on you,
No matter how hard I try,
You took my strings,
And played with me,
I just needed a chance to prove myself,
But I’m a mess up,
This isn’t dress up
I’m not you’re doll,
I’m not gonna let you play, no not with me, no longer.
And that’s what I say,
That’s how I feel,
But why do I keep turning back
Into your grip,
But I’ma mess up

So let me prove myself,
I may not be worthless
As you’re convinced,
Their may be something underneath,
Hiding maybe everything.
Just give me the chance to make you proud,
A failure is just another lie,
I’m succeeding if I just try.

To: My Parents