
Broken 11/25/11

Some are spared
To taste the love
Of interest that we so pursue,
But love is gifted
To those whose lifted
The weight they horded on their shoulders.

We all haven’t found our identities.
-and some are as lost as nativities.
We hide our shed tears,
For those not to spread fears,
Because sometimes its easier to forget
What we’ve been through,

How are they all so alike and new?
The Beauties that invade our surroundings and schools.
How are they all so perfect and loved?
Those specials?
When we all-most of the world,
Hide under a rock
To shield us from the truth, that

We’re loss,
We’re broken,
Face the fact
Bare the burden,
Like will destroy and degrade
Shedding the constructed façade.
Can’t you see?
We’re all lost..
Except for those that are loved..