Goodbye ED

This is it Ed.
This is the final goodbye.
I will not let you reside within me any longer.
Our time together is spent. run out. finished.
You will no longer be a part of me.
Not my body.
Not my mind.
Not my soul.
I am happy to finally say goodbye.
Happy to get back everything I lost.
Everything that you took from me.
I am happy to cut you out of my life.
For good. Forever.

You gave me it all. You gave me the world.
I could do everything as long as I was with you.
You would never leave me, with you I was never alone.
You were like a security blanket: safe and warm.
Always there when I needed you, you took the pain out of life.
Kept the worries and fears away. Covered and protected me.
A shield to keep away the demons.
A safe place.
An angel.
My angel.

You took everything from me, you took away my world.
I couldn’t do anything when I was with you.
You would never leave me. You never left me alone.
You were like a dusty sheet: dangerous and cold
Always tormenting me. You took the pleasure out of life.
Filled me with worries and fear covered and blinded me.
A doorway for all of the demons.
A deadly place.
A monster.
My Monster.

You gave me life. You took my life.
You took away sadness. You took away joy.
A loyal friend. A sly enemy.
A close companion. A clever destroyer.
A pool of opportunity. A pit of despair.
A panacea. A disease.
You gave me strength. You took my strength.
You fed me. You fed off of me.
A stairway to heaven. A stairway to hell.
This is what you are.
This is the face of Ed.

I struggled with you for a while.
You made me suffer for quite some time.
You were a blindfold.
Preventing me from seeing the world.
From seeing what was important.
What was really there.

I have taken off that blindfold.
Now I am able to see what’s there and what’s here.
Now I can see the real me, and just how great she is.
I am kind, caring, generous, and clever.
I am intelligent helpful, giving, and loving
I am hard working, inspirational, and artistic.
I am creative, easy going, and carefree.
I am amazing.
I am me.

I deserve to be loved.
Loved and accepted.
Accepted and free.
So I say goodbye to you Ed.
Goodbye forever and stay away from me!