They Are Coming

The voices inside me
are raging for etermal
for your blood to spill
my shaking cold hands

Make their raging stop!
my will-power to defy them
is burning to ashes
only a phoenix of love
can save the people
I once cared for

The voices are winning
the war inside my body
not just my mind

not much time is left

they want revenge
for all who hurt me
for all the broken promises
for all the little mind games you played
for all the fucking wasted tears I cried for you because
I cared for you!

they are slowly taking..
one last bitter battle-cry
and all of you shall die
for takeing my love for granted

the voices inside my head
are raging for revenge
and soon....oh so soon
Revenge is near!
I'll be coming for you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know there are spelling issues