He and She

He's two years younger
But nothing can kill that hunger

She's two years older
Daddy's perfect little soldier

He's a big goof ball
With faith he'll never fall

She's way too proper
But nothing will ever stop her

He has nothing figured out
But there's no horse too big for him to mount

She follows a plan
While taking a stand

He sings her a love song
How nothing will ever go wrong

She listens with a smile
Trying to get over her denial

He isn't afraid to tell her how he feels
Even though this means his fate is sealed

She doesn't know what to say
Panics and runs away

He smiles to himself knowing she feels the same
Knowing how to play this game

She calms down and looks around
Hears him laugh and it's the greatest sound

He goes over and wraps her in his arms
Promises to protect her from harm

She leans into him
Her happiness filling to the brim

He tells her he loves her
She tells him she loves him
They'll never be apart