Never die on you

Never die on you

I shall go-
And live this lie that has become my life. 
It is a poison to my soul;
I may crack I may fade-
But I shall never die on you. 

I shall look-
Take one last look at the blade I have always loved. 
Would you hate me,
Would in your heart I be forever scorned-
If I picked that blade up one last time,
And in kissing its crimson edge embraced its comforting sting once again?
I may be cut I may be bleeding,
But I do not dare die on you. 

I dare not die-
On such a beautiful and vibrant face. 
You are my sun you are my color-
I shall not die on you. 

I dare not die-
On such a soothing soul. 
You are my comfort you are my sanity-
I shall not die on you. 

What makes you think that I could-
That I could die on the best friend I have ever known?
I made you a promise. I will keep it-
By your side I will forever remain. 

No never on gods green earth-
Would I even THINK to die on you.....