My Genetics

I come from a long line of strong, independent women.
I come from my mother who came from her mother and so on.

Proving that as strong women you can handle being alone.
Worked late, partied, had times where she had to go to bed hungry just for the sake of her kids.

Showed everyone she can handle life on her own.

Yet she managed to find love in this cold place.
And in the strangest way.

This women so thin slapped this man across the face because he called her a black skeleton.
Was he ashamed? No.
From that point on he fell in love with that girl.

Became her friend, got close to her family, and was willing enough to take care of her kids because he loved her.
Years gone by they got married.
Happiest couple you'll ever see.
Well until that happens to me.
But I smile at that couple an as cliche as it may be, especially becausde that man was in the navy, I salute them.

Because of it wasn't for that rude comment that man said to that woman, you wouldn't be looking at this strong woman standing before you today.

If it wasnt for that man, I'd probably be just another fatherless female walking through these streets being with any man I meet just to fill that hole in my heart that my father left for me.

But hopefully like that woman, I'll be strong enough to know that I won't need a man to take care of my kids if he doesn't want to....just until I find that man that will be willing to...

I thank the women who came before me and helped me create this story.