Suicidal Thoughts

My life is over
You see me everyday
Groaning with boredom
No reason for me to stay

Friday night I go home
All alone like always
Reaching the destination of my father's office
I reach in and pull out the gun

Running towards my room
I kneel by my bed
Saying one last prayer before I leave

I pull the gun up to my temple,
sweat dripping down my brow.

With the final pull of the trigger,
I leave my body.
For a few moments longer,
I'm still in my room,
watching as my lifeless body slumps to the floor.
Then I head to a place
Where people will love me more.
♠ ♠ ♠
No, I have never had thoughts of suicide before in my life! I've had friends who have before, and I've talked them out of it. I did have one friend who killed herself. May Molly Rose rest iternally in peace!