Why not, it's Monday night

Tell me something that I don't already know.
I was put on this earth, to experience and grow.
I have no destinations; there is nowhere I can't go.
And the second that I feel I have been misled,
I shall voyage like a snow dog not bound to a sled,
And experience beauty in the things that lie ahead,
For there is too much beauty to be ignored,
By you shutting yourself away with just a shield and a sword.
And cluttering your mind with what you cannot afford,
Because what you can not have, you must refrain,
For the greed and the violence may cause you much pain.
You must accept what happens, while you are still sane.
And if for some reason, you seem to loose your mind,
Find comfort in love and be you and be kind.
There is always a reason to become redefined.