
We are the ones that cause our own harm,
Your escape, turned into a drunken suicidal plea,
You cant face it on your on, you're far to weak,
Lets kill ourselves, merry steps descending.

The smoke, shrouding our last hope,
Each inhale, killing off our men on the front line,
Raging change, with a perverse mind.

You fools, you had so much potential,
Mass murders, enacted with a sick sense of love,
The killers and the killees, locked in a hazy embrace,
Look at your life, you're a fucking disgrace.

A rotten smell, coupled with dried vomit,
Cotton mouth, fucked vision, no care,
Obsessed, no real sense of direction,
Unknowingly following the crowd, to evil's delight.

Is this the world, in which you call your own?
Do you indulge, or ignore?
Do you descend, fall, broken wings,
Struck down from ignorance?