Broken Words

Broken words repeat in my head

Silently at first then screaming in the end.

They play in dreams of nightmares

Or as I lie awake.

Then there are the voices that put the words together.

Just to make me remember

Why I turn away

Even to the closest of people

They words that are broken up

They are broken promises

They are hurtful words.

They are words close to promises

They just don't reach promises.

People say I need to forgive an forget

These broken Promises

But how do you exspect

When they scream an shout in my head

When they turn my dreams into Nightmares

Nearly a Reality

Yet again.

I never welcome these

Broken words

I scream for them to go away

Never to return.

Yet they keep repeating...

Not even in my head

People say them.

Allow me to believe...

Then say those

Broke Words..

That will never end.

Then I do have some people..

They never say those broken words..

For that...

Gives me some peace of thought.

They help made the

Broken words quite...

Till I dream again.