Bring me Back

Bring me back to the horizon
Cuz the water has gotten too deep
Swept away by waves of thoughts that don't ever seem to stop
The coast looks clear and bright
But a storm is always brewing

Keep away my nightmares so sleep can be returned
Sanity is an unconscious thing
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really going insane or not
But as they say, we're all a little mad around here

Change is upon us and like a dark cloud things become uncertain
Fear and anxiety make their stay in my head and I'm ready for them to leave
Good luck needs to follow me cuz the darkness is getting old
A warm blanket and just one peaceful day is all I ask for

Snuggled up on a couch or in bed
With the windows open and the cool breeze making us want to be closer
Sweet kisses on the forehead and the smell of your cologne
That's all I need

All I need to bring me back to the horizon