The Magician

Bravo, man, that was quite the show
I’ll remember it for as long as I will know
That was your best disappearing act
But discipline is one thing you always lack
Well done, good boy, quite entertaining
For you obviously felt no need for refraining
You’re quite the magician, with those tricks you pulled
You had me locked in hypnosis, locked in and lulled
This applause is for you, for is that what you needed
An audience to tell you that you had succeeded?
I’ll throw a rose, or three or seventy-nine
For your performance has finally run out of time
The audience is leaving, sir, go after them
Bring them back to do the all the acts over again
And, might I say, that was quite the costume
You were who you were dressed as, or so I assumed
Oh, I do clap, for you really did have me
At the trick where you set the little rabbit free
Where does the rabbit go when the curtains fall?
Oh, well, to you, I’m sure that doesn’t matter at all
Oops, I stepped on your cape and you fell down the stairs
You must’ve forgotten me standing right there
Well, these illusions were quite the sight’s expedition
So you must be proud being such a good magician.