I loved you

I loved you.
I truly did.
You were my one and only kid.
I was comfortable, confident and complacent.
But in the end you weren’t the same.
You hid it from me and made me out to be lame.
I struggled and gasped for any last breath.
But so soon u lied betrayed and led me close to death.
Despite what I did u destroyed a friend.
Hung her and I out to dry, worse than either of us could apprehend.
I hope you’re happy with yourself.
You’ve lost two great friends as we both now look down on you.
But I don’t care anymore I’ve moved on, I no longer feel blue.
Found someone better in each and every way.
And now while I playing the waiting game I know I’ll never look at you the same.
I now only dream of her and how happy we will eventually be.
Every time I see her, I smile and I fell again like me.
I want to hug her and never let go.
Feel the touch of her lips on mine and just go with the flow.
Now you’ve left me I have more to look to.
Because I know it was fate and there is more to do.