The real me.

Hey, I'm Nicole. Honestly, I hope I get no hate for this because this is new to me and I'm not sure if I want to post my poems yet.

My name is Nicole. I live in Nebraska, you know the state that is directly in the middle of the country? Yeah! Well, it's not that interesting here and I plan on getting the hell out of here and doing something with my life. I'm 19, I blow the candles out on April 23. I had a great childhood. Till I the year of 2012.

On February 13th my mother committed suicide. She left a note to me and my siblings telling us how deeply she loved us and how she felt she disappointed us and failed at raising us as children. I honestly was the one that took it the hardest. I self harmed a lot and I skipped school, I started to smoke cigarettes and weed. I would stay out all night drinking. I attempted suicide once and that's what really made me change my ways. I sat out in my car in the garage with the car on and the garage closed. I took something sleeping pills and if it hadn't been for my brother, I probably wouldn't be here right now. It was then that made me realize how many people really care about me and that my life would go on even though my mothers wouldn't. I moved in with my aunt and her son. She's like a mom to me and I call her mom because she never had a daughter so, I thought I could make her happy by calling mom and I was right.

I've only been in four relationships. I was with a guy for a year and thought I loved him and found out that half the time we had been dating he was also seeing another girl who knew about me. I was crushed for a long time. Then I met this guy who I really liked, he and I got serious for a while till when we would go to his place when no one was home he would get angry, and physical. He took my virginity without my acceptance. I was raped and beaten. He is now thankfully in jail and i have moved one. I was fifteen at the time.

I've recently been talking to this guy that I really have feelings for. He's super sweet and I really care about him. He makes my heart race, my smile curve and he's the only person that appears in my dreams. If I could make the decision, I'd already be dating him. He's so cute and so amazing(:

So that's me. I'm just a humane being like you. I don't like hate. I've tried my best to get past all the negative things in my life and just be happy. Of course it's been hard without my mom, but I have my dad, my step mom, my step brother, his three beautiful kids, and my 3 brothers and 4 sisters to help me get through it all. I am currently going to school and will be graduating this May (: <3 If you've kept reading this far, thank you. Glad you care!(: