Those Moments

I know those moments
Where you hate to see those you love
In so much pain, words cant help
A comfeting hand pushed away
Screams fill the air
I start to cry,
Not knowing what else I could do
I want, I need to help somehow
But nothing can help her
The tears in her eyes
Become yet as turture in my eyes
Never stopping, only dulling
Death stands over her with every breath
Why can't He leave?
But she's lost so much blood
They pull the plug
Ends a curcit to another life
They said'There would be more,
More females like her'
I could look forever
But never could I find someone
Quite like her
I lost the only girl I truly loved
I could take my life to join yours
That's not what she would like
I'll take her memory
Use it as a light for my dark journey
Forever seaching for her again
I will forever love her
And I shall until I die