Back To School.

(At school, there’s :)

Geography, History, Science come Biology
Health and English, Maths plus Trigonometry
P. E Education:
Cricket…. all that
Having shots at Language
Much more in fact
Like some odd phrases said in German

There are RULES and METHODS everywhere
And teachers teach kids with school care
Like how they act
And how they talk
And how to co-operate through work

It’s simple enough
To sit and learn
To gain new friends
To have some fun
‘Coz every boy
And every girl
Are different in their natural world


We are all as one
Learning all as one
Caring all as one
No one on Earth can bring us down
Or turn our smiles to dreadful frowns….

All the while.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do you dread knowing that the holidays are coming to a close and that you are trying to count down the days that lead towards the next holiday? I do !!!! And how the teachers are so scrict as they actually tell you off for being 'a little late' to your class as soon as you get back? Same here !!!!

But not to worry.

Just remeber the saying:

" Better to be LATE than NEVER Attend !!!! "