You are th backflow, the bleeding in my heart
Every time I see you, you look through me, and I'm back at the start
I watch you go, all you ever do is leave
I run to you and you fly away from me
And it isn't just you, it's going to be everyone.
It's the end of the road and we're all scrambling
To find our own paths and get the hell away
I'm bracing myself for the isolation to come
But it's not like I don't know the feeling of being the only one
Could be such a good thing, flushing everyone out of my days
No more screaming, no more mocking, no more scaring me in the hallways
I'll have more time to sing about you, I'll put these words to song.
And someday you'll finally run to me and see I'm already gone
This was your chance, your twelve-year-long chance to get to know
This short, strange, tormented girl accustomed to being alone
And here is that girl's final plea.
Please, my brother,
Stay with me.

You said yourself I'd never have to beg
Yet here I am.
You said yourself you'd never lose your way.
What is that in your hand?
Is it a bottle? This time a bong?
Tell me brother, why when you left, all of your life went wrong.
I don't want that life to end, nonetheless
Even if you don't consider me your friend
Don't let this downward spiral be your final
And I beg, listen my brother.
Don't say goodbye forever.
Remember when you said you'd never leave?
For the love of god, Brother,
Even if it's not with me.