Our War Story

It was me and him against the world, and we were always winning.
Always winning the battles, never giving in.
Fighting until our last breathe, and getting up the next day
Me in his arms, and his heartbeat under my ear
We were prepared.
For absolutely anything the world could throw
And we just picked it up and threw it back.
It was him. and his glory. I thought we'd win for sure
Everything seemed fine, until it wasn't
We were each other, and the other was me.
Only thing we had, was love.
Love for each other, love for ourselves.
Love for the cruel, cruel world we lived in.
But then they came, in swarms and reaking
Of jealousy and hatred, for they could never understand
We were always fighting, back to back
Slowly losing ourselves, and who we were
Didn't recognize each other's face, or our own reflection.
Always winning, or so it seemed
Winning every battle, every little fight
But somehow, we lost the war.