
I always thought that the bond
Between two friends was like a ship
You steer it together
And sometimes you go through stormy waters
But you go through it together
Well it would seem
One of my "friendships" ran straight into the stormiest ocean one could find
And we were pushed towards jagged rocks and our ship fell into a thousand pieces
I tried picking up the pieces in attempt to get off the lifeless island we were on
But that attempt was futile
There was no more plywood to save
No resources to rebuild
Eventually, a ship came and I went aboard
But you didn't come
And I left
Without looking back
No regrets
You were a good co-captain
But we no longer have a ship
That we can sail on together
So hopefully
Another ship will come find you
And you will go aboard
And you will sail these oceans again
With a smile
♠ ♠ ♠
Umm I hardly ever do free verse so feedback on this would be highly appreciated XD