
Woah, Woah. Hold up.
So you're dating her now?
I don't understand you..
I CAN'T understand you.

You say to me, yeah, i like you and her,
and yet today, I found you asked out another girl?
Suspecting it from the start, i'm crushed.
I moved on and all, but still,
my heart twitches and yearns for you to still be like you used to.

Your texts to me are so cold...
Your attitude is so far,
yet it feels so close...

Today was the day i found out my suspicions were true.
The feelings inside of me right now are awkward.
I feel happy, victorious, and yet sad, and regretful.
Should I congratulate you, or should i be crying at night?

Today, I asked if you were dating her...
You gave me a cold response..
"Maybe I am, Maybe I'm not. You tell me. And why do you wanna know? You don't like me anymore."
okay, perhaps our love was not meant to be, but do you have to be so cold?

Two days pass, and now i'm even more confused.
You and her both say you never dated?
What was that supposed to mean?
My friends suspect something, and so do I,
but i'm too unsure.

I was talking to my crush, and you distracted us.
My friend and I exchange looks as he walks away to join you.
I sat in wonder...
Was that of envy? or was that accidental.?

I give up.
You win.
Have all the glory.
But may you take the pain with you..
as I walk away.