The Essence

Her very essence makes the day go brighter
She shines in the radiance of herself
She thinks, yet is carefree
Goes wherever the wind blows her

Except she is curdled up in a storm
Which rains the unshed tears, the sleptless nights
The sun, in all its glory, is fading.
I am fading.
My other half is dying
So I die with it.
The storm blows fiercely in the once ever calm sunset

The tranquil sea.
Once a promise of hope, laughter
Now a symbol of death, a raging fear, a sudden loss.
It is all so hard to take in.
Buffeted by the waves of the harsh reality.
Forever struggling to stay afloat
The sea, now a symbol of death.
The death that resides in me.

I think, as she thinks
Her courage, her sheer recklessness
My misery, my loss.
She laughs through it, with talk of morbid jokes.

But reality will come down on me
Not nicely like the unfolding tension of a soap drama.
Not like the sweet thrilling suddenness of a horror film.

But brutally, with no mercy.
The bank of the tide threatens to wash over me
Threatens to drown me with the years of the unwept tears

This is the dawning of reality.
Slapping me awake like no other.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this for my friend. My soulmate. Maybe she will never read this. Maybe it is better for her if she deosnt. But she is dying. And all I feel is a numbness. I can't believe it. I am still stuck in denial. I hope she will get better. Yet I know my hopes are futile. But when she leaves, if only it were if, the uncried tears will drop. Like a bursting dam.