beautiful day to forget tomorrow. .

Broken and alone i sat by the phone, to which it never rang. .
tears streamed down, from the years i found, that i wasted away. .
the day after yesterday, has came and went, it was myself that did me in,
long after the thoughts of you had faded away. . life i feared, death i feared,
couldn't even make a move. .the walls were high, the door's were tied
and the air became to stuffy. . the death of me is all i see, sideways and disturbed. .

scattered and consumed, my brain was the tomb, the air that i breathed was
full of greed. . empty and broken my soul was the token. . lost in a haze my
life was a maze. . the tomb i dwell became my hell, my token was bought sold
and pulled. . the breath i excepted i lost when i detested. .that day was
grey, but this night is light, no longer do i stand in frieght. . i opened my
heart so i could see the beauty of you instead of me. . always consumed
with my ownself first, never did i relize all the people i hurt. .

So easily i was lost to yesterday, totally forgot to live today, every hour
minute, second i was lost in my tomb, created another hour, minute, second
i was lost in my tomb. . All you have in this life, don't matter who you are,
is this very second minute hour to escape your tomb. . You are perfect
just the way you are, every inch of you, every breath of you. . If you have guilt,
forgive yourself, and change the out come next time, and escape your tomb. .
If you have pain, forgive them, and escape your tomb. .its hard to forgive,
but its even harder to be forgave. .

If you have hate remember there is nobody you should despise more than
yourself, its not up to you to judge another, Their inadequaties will be dealt
with in their own fate. . If you have anger remove yourself from the problem,
if it continues to be a problem, remember your the only one lost in your tomb..
touch a leaf look at the clouds, just laugh, and remember to live love and
be free. .there is nothing inside of you thats not inside of me. . we are
identical twins you and I, so how could i love you less than myself. .