The One...

Take a look around.
At the faces you see everyday.
Are their eyes telling secrets they dare not say?

How about the loner boy in the corner.
The one whose clothes are pulled down so far,
Always hiding his Foster scars.

Or maybe it's the new girl.
The one who doesn't like to be touched,
All because Daddy loves her a little too much.

What if it's the Valedictorian who's brighter than most?
The one never excpeted to be dealing with a mother's drunk fits.
Only content when applying a razor to his wrists.

Could it be the preppy cheerleader?
The one envied for always having to arouse,
Making up for going home every night to an empty house.

Let's not forget the jock with the winning ball.
The one forever crying himself to sleep at night,
Over his grandfather's cruel words that always end in a fight.

What about the writer telling this tale?
The one who's pencil fly's like a dove
Secretly fearing she isn't able to love.

No matter how form fitting the mask
There's always someone underneath it.
So take a moment to really think about serious shit.

Can you see it now?
Those you take for granted
Who's lives run rampant.

The one who chooses to live or die.
The one already too far gone.
The one with a plan in mind.
The one already committed.
The one decided.
The one....better off dead.