
The world feasts on the weak

The survivors are the ones who are smart enough to know no one is ever alone

The survivors are the ones that wait out life's hardships

The survivors are the strong ones who work their a** off

The survivors are not lone heroes

The survivors have been through their own personal struggle

The survivors use their mind

The survivors aren't always skinny, pretty, smart, or talented

The survivors work to pull the others out of the water or fire

Before they drown

Surviving isn't easy

It won't ever be easy

Can you pull yourself against the current?

This poem is about surviving life's hard ships, it is a tribute to anybody who is struggling out there, if you want anybody to talk to, I would be happy share my insight on going against the current of this life.

"Stop this train, I want to get off and go home again, I can't take the speed its going in"
John Mayer

Next poem "Every Girl Is A Princess"