Our Love Saves Us by Blindside

Our love saves us,
Or it did,
When I loved you back,
I did believe in us,
I thought we were perfect.

That song comes on all the time now,
I cry when it does,
Or at least sometimes I do,
But I'm fine without you,
I let go,
Now you can too,
The ground is shaking,
But there isn't love to save us anymore.

I remember our promises,
Every little thing,
Every kiss,
Every hug,
Every memory,
But its time to move on.

"With shivering hearts we wait,
We watch the sky,
We hesitate,
I'm still holding on!"
Let me go so we both can live on,
This song is meaningless now.

The river runs deep,
My spirit drowns,
Yours does too.
We part as the current pushes us away,
Cry as you might,
But I'm moving on.

Michael and I are happy,
He's changing me in a good way.
I'm glad,
I hate hurting people,
Purpose or accident,
Goodbye my past love,
I'm not falling for someone new,
This time I'm climbing. :)