Poem of Randomness

I sit and stare.

I throw a fit and glare.

Oops I turned into a bear.

I rip and tear.

Then, I need to repair.

I guess it's only fair.

There's no need to pry.

Don't even cry.

Learn to stay dry.

Eat a a french fry.

Maybe give your hair a dye.

Whoa, that's a neat tie.

That'd be such a waste of time.

Nope, they're not worth a dime.

Now, what was the prime?

Seems I forgot how to rhyme.

Alright, confession time, do you by any chance smell any pine? O_o
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lol there was no real point to this, I was just bored. I don't even know what it means. I think it's about getting angry and trying to fix something but then it turns into the same old routine so basically your wasting your time if your going to repeat your mistakes and not learn from them. And the ending I think that's just me getting mad and turning into a bear again, bears smell like pine? right.? ;3

My mind has a mind of its own. Tbh.

I just realized how stupid that sounded.