
She lays on the floor and she stares at the clock.
Slowly she sits up and begins to rock.
Back and forth, front to back.
Any sort of sanity is what she lacks.
She thinks of him and tears form in her eyes.
She refuses to tell him how often she cries.
Late at night, she prays for death.
He used to be her crystal meth.
Her chest feels tight every second she's alive,
She doesn't know how much longer she'll be able survive.
She fakes a smile, though she knows she's alone,
And she acts like she's fine when the pain's only grown.
She looks at the blades before she puts them away,
Because she promised him that she'd stay out of harms way.
She thanks the heavens that you can die from heartache,
She only wonders how much longer it'll take.
She waits so impatiently for her friend to steal her breath.
She waits so impatiently for her new friend; Death.