
I cried myself to sleep last night,
But that's nothing new.
I cried myself to sleep last night,
Because I couldn't stop thinking of you.
The way your arms around me, how it felt so right
The way you wanted to sleep with me each and every night
The way my knees went weak every time we kissed
How whenever I was away, you assured me I was missed
The way my heart melted when you looked into my eyes
Pretty pools of green reflecting on clear summer skies
The warmth of your touch and the softness of your skin...
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were the Eighth Deadly Sin.
But through all the tears, I remember the smiles
That made all of this pain worth the while
And as the storm rages on and the hanging windchimes ring
I realise that all along, you were my lightning.
The deadly flash that lit up my night skies
Coupled with the booming thunder that always made me cry
I sit and I watch as the rain fills every hole
And remind myself again, after the storm comes the rainbow
I hold onto my seat as the thunder makes me cringe
And watch where the lightning touches, leaving the ground singed
But if I could do it all again, I swear I wouldn't change a thing
Cos darling, you will forever be my lovely lightning