Self destructing in five

Self destructing in five
swear on it they'll never take me alive
And I'll take you down in a hail of gun fire
but in my eyes you'll see love and the liar
Because sugar they won't get me
because sugar they don't get me

Self destructing in four
on your knees and moan for more
for me to stop and kill you quickly
So I'll slide the blade and slide it slickly
through the heart I held so dear
and you breath you last
and a single tear

Self destructing in three
I've killed them all now can't you see?
That the last one to go should really be me
And it's been to long for what I don't know
And all I've got is bloody hands to show
Show's over

Self destructing in two
Just please know that I love you
And I'd bleed for you and I had to do it
Oh how I'd do anything to prove it
But you are gone now and I shall follow
Beating heart and cold and hollow

Self destructing in one
oh hasn't it been so much fun
Everyone's dead and it's been great
but now it's time to meet my fate
I can't live anymore, not without you, the one
Here we go, self destructing in one
♠ ♠ ♠
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