Tragic Horizon

The ocean
So vast and blue
Beautiful from where I stand
The wind running its hands through my hair
Gulls wail
In the morning air
Closing my eyes
Breathing in
Sweet and salty
God I love the smell
Moody and wild
Always reaching out
Like a child for his mother
But never quite makes it
In the end he always gets swept back out
Meeting the horizon
Where sky and ocean become one
Sadly it's an illusion
The sky and ocean
Never truly meet
Not ever really touching
Always just out of reach
Like tragic lovers
That can't truly be together
But see each other every day
The sky ever weeping
To be with her eternal love
A single tear slides down my face
My heart goes out to them
The morning rise of the sun caress my face
Warming up my body
As she hovers above me
Looking back towards the ocean
I pray to myself
For the sky and ocean
To meet
One day