
Living in this world,
Ignored by even my family,
Existing in my own mind,
Hoping to find a way out.

I wanted to scream,
Anything that might change something.

Keeping everything bottled inside,
Only unleashing the rage that lies deep,
Tearing open the scars that tried to heal,
Tearing open my heart again.

My world is nothing but darkness and mad dreams,
Consuming every bit of sanity I once had,
Searching for something that may not exist.

Drowning out everything around me,
Muffled laughter and fogged words,
Reading with floods threatening my eyes,
It's hard to say what I want,
Without being brought down.

Shut up they told me.
Shut up.
Those two words haunted me.
Echoing in my skull.

All respect that was once around the world,
Has faded through time.
Tearing apart hearts,
Creating enemies,
Everything has been lost to this generation.

Nothing can come back.
My family is ruined,
My heart is broken,
My mind is corrupt,
But nothing ever changes.

What happened to everything I once had?
It all faded into the shadows,
Again to hide,
Screaming to be found again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem kinda sucked in my opinion but I hope someone out there likes it >.<