Only if I Knew

i fell in love at the first sight of you, you were standing at your locker with all those people surrounding you, you had latee colored skin, and beautiful hazel eyes, i thought is was to good to be true, only if i knew, the hell i would go through, because of you, i would have forgotten every word you had ever said to me, every glance my way, only if i knew you were just using me, for your own pleasurable desires, my life was screwed up, because of your selfish ways, only if i knew what i was getting my self into
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this guy i met in 6th grade i thought i was in love with him but in 8th grade he just used me and i got in so much trouble at school (expulsion) because i thought he loved me but it was all for his pleasure he was this mixed guy and a lot of people called him a pretty boy please comment and tell me what you think