Ignorance is Bliss

Helpless, beaten, 
bruised and forgotten.

She doesn't flinch,
nor does she cry, 
at the agony
caused by her tormentor.

Questions and concerned faces.
Unanswered prayers. 
Her strength, 
is slowly perishing.
The scars are evident??
I didn't even realize ..

Depressed lately??
If you say so ..

What about the bruises??
That's what make-up is for ..
Hardly justifiable, 
by any standard whatsoever.

Yet, the pain has to go somewhere.
Is it really worth all the trouble?
Trying to make it right,
and pretend like this kind of stuff ..
.. just doesn't exist .. 

Why does she try?
Why does she pray?
What is her faith worth,
if she decides to meet her maker,
.. ahead of schedule ..


" Well, someone's got to."

Don't give her your pity,
She doesn't want it.

Don't tell her you're sorry,
it won't make a difference.

Don't offer solutions,
she won't listen.

Side with her tormenter,
and she'll fucking hate you.

Ignore her, and she'll ignore you. 
.. Ignorance can be bliss ..  
Let's not test the boundaries
♠ ♠ ♠
Some people can relate and some can't. If you can't, well, here's some advice .. Read the poem :P
If you can, stay strong and I swear to whatever God you pray to, something good will come put of it.