Response to a love letter

Dear love,

I didn't know what love was
Until the sparkles of her eyes bleached the coreas of mine
Her voice closed my eyes so tight I flew
And her hair sung a song that still dances in my head
Her touch on my elbow still moistens my breath
And when i saw her with him
I almost fell dead.

Dear love,

I didn't know what love was
And I hope I never meet you
Cause the pain everyone elses feel when the heart drops
Still carves it'self in me
I'm bleeding someone else's pain
Cause the man that said he loved her
Kissed her
Touched her
Toxicated her
Loves someone else
And that someone is me

Dear love,

I didn't know what love was,
And I might not ever feel it
Cause im judge by my face
Not my personality
That seems to be locked behind a simple "Hello"
And can't see the light because Good-bye is 2 seconds away from freedom.
Love, will we ever meet?

Dear love,

I didn't know what love was,
But ever since I found you, I cant get rid of you
Why wont you stay away?
I have a boyfriend. Thats okay
But you harvested yourself in so many other men
They are tearing us away.
My boyfriend cant find a reason to trust me around men anymore
And all my 'I love you's' drop to the floor
Im not pretty, im not smart
So just let me be
I just want my boyfriend to finally love me

Dear love,

I didn't know what love was,
But whatever it is, destroyed me.
Cause I loved a woman
Who didn't love me
And when I said I'd take a bullet for you
I didn't lie.
When I died
She didn't even cry.

Dear life,

I'm tough on you all
I know I am
I was invented to heal
Not to hurt
But the defintion man tatooed on my chest has now been moved to my ass
Because no one can seem to find me unless you can bend over backwards to look
Or happen to be eating some to find it.
I know I hurt
I know I break
I know some want me to come
And I know some want me to stay away
But I have benefits
I bring happiness
I bring joy
I unite some of the worst senerios
And make them better
I know you think I failed alot of people
But not everyone
Don't blame me
Blame yourselves
I know im just an intangible noun
But you make me real

Dont let me die

Yours Truly,