Ode to Denae

O, valiant, smelly Denae!

Thine breath reeks of regurgitated foods

Thy heart is made of gold, and thy stomach of cast-iron

Thou knowest not what to say, but thine knowledge of how

To use thy odour to clear a room of all its occupants is one of true genius.

O! O, my dear Denae, how great is thy smell

How great is the stink you've blessed humanity with

Your love for all things furry, as gentle as thy may be with them,

Yet the repugnant smell of thy underarms driveth them away

They ran faster than the hawk may fly,

As fast as an animal whose existence is threatened

O, but my Denae, cursed and blessed thou art!

Thy smell protects you from things you do not wish to meet,

But thine blessing is also thy curse

For all things you love do flee you too, and only the bravest are left standing,

Clothespins glued to our nostrils

We stand, your group of unwilling friends, bearing the stench that is you

For if we try to flee like so many before us, we fear thou wilt chase us,

Thy scent blowing through the crisp, once clean, air

We pity those animals that hath not clothespins in their possession

To prevent the burning odour from destroying their sense of smell

O, how we pity them!

Therefore, to ease the pain they already suffer,

We hath made the sacrifice

We hath given up the outside world, our lives...and our sense of smell

We cannot look behind us and gaze at what we were, what we could have been,

For from the day we made that sacrifice, thy smell hath touched us,

Making us only, but castoffs of thine deadly stench

O, Denae!

Why must thou destroy our hopes?

Hath thou any sense of compassion?

Then please, cleanse thy self in the healing waters of thy shower

Slather thy self in soap, shampoo and deodorant

Let us breathe freely for the first time since we met thou

Let us swear that thy hath not lived in a garbage bin for thine entire life,

For we know that thy hath not

We beg of you, O queen of stench, cleanse thy self and let us live in peace.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I was bored and writing a poem about how much my friend smells sounded like a good idea. And it was very funny, until she forced my nose in her armpit to prove that she did not stink. Luckily, she was right and all I could smell for the next five minutes was powdered deodorant. I hope you chuckled at this as much as I did!