What a Troubled Teenage Girl

Feelings screaming.
Thoughts teeming.
It seems like it has no end.
Your not my friend.
You act like I'm insane.
It causes much pain.
I act like a zombie.
How you think I should be.
I could be.
I want to be in his arms.
Free from harm.
Nice and warm.
Free to be me.
Happy for as long as can be.
For everyone to see,
But it seems it shouldn't be,
It couldn't be,
It won't be,
It could be,
It will never be.
I'm just me.
What more can I be?
I can tell I'll never make you proud.
My ideas are far too bright and loud.
I'm the type that makes the most sound.
Especially when your not around.
You are too hard to astound.
You make me feel like a useless mound in the sand,
Stranded on some deserted land.
I find it hard for me to stand.
To understand.
Why do you feel this way?
Please,explain if you may.
I'm tired of causing pain.
I'm tired of seeing tear rain.
♠ ♠ ♠
If this gets positive feedback,I have more poems I've wrote about my mother issues.