Industrial City

taking the highlights from industrial city

falling into the sky

i didnt have to waste time

said my goodbyes

and i kept them all from grids

nitty gritty metal gear cogs

when i have to wish on every star i see

it leaves me jaded

and i'm the epitamy of the capital

sinner of a firework reality

come with me and i'll show you

it's so pretty

live the life to be faded the next day

took a vacation and worked the same day

memorized the seven deadly sins the same way

learned from the monks how to let it all go

hopped up on energy from a rainbow

but it's still stranger how i can be so calm

under the stressed out person i used to know

hits like a thunder storm and messes up my year

life slowly follows and in time i'll be there to meet

a new destiny that i wish i had

if only it brought the holidays that we used to cheer

it has to be so melodic

electric in my hands

cuffs that keep them together

only one sided love affairs

to settle my gleaming ring of happiness

complimentary to my style

test of time

that needed a new frame of mind

don't worry bout yours

cause i always get mine

it i have to breathe neon fumes

it dusts the path before our eyes

we were always so blind

bonded between this and that

only have to blame one another

until the answers were clear

but i'd rather be beyond the galaxy

no place for me here

clean slate and pocket full of stars

wish on your own

and find a place you've never known