It Never Ends

A group of five people once shared a bond so strong
They laughed and played all day and night long
Created music that lifted so many spirits
And encouraged so many with their wonderful lyrics
The first was the girl with her hair on fire,
And she sang her heart out to her desire
The second was a boy with silver on his lips,
As he attacked his guitar with powerful riffs
The third, instead, had the silver on his nose,
and played on the bass like nobody knows
Number four had very curly hair
And when he strummed everyone would stare
The last was the brother of the second, and oh boy
When he hit his drums, everyone jumped with joy

These group of friends kept doing what they did
And eventually found themselves at a gig
There, someone discovered their talent so great
And led them directly to the studio, straight
Songs and songs, they recorded there
Afterwards, those songs to people they'd share
Everyone loved them, of course, indeed!
On radio stations, this band took the lead!

The group of five friends became as tight as can be
But fame might've gotten to their heads, you see
When Number Two found himself as second,
He said, "I better leave this band, I reckon,"
And of course, Number Five, as helpless as ever
Had to leave with his brother, and they left together
Slowly but surely each drifted apart
And sadly, two members had to depart
The last three that were left were buried in sorrow
But they couldn't've made this affect their tomorrow

They kept making music, this band now of three
And thankfully, everything went quite smoothly
They knew from the start this was a one-time chance
So they kept going and gaining fans
They didn't really think they'd get this far
This was no journey you could travel by car
They followed the road, and it's twists and bends
But in their hearts, they know that it never ends
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