This Adventure

It's weird
This feeling in my chest
Nothings ever felt like this before
Heart beats fast
Hands get clammy
As a silly little smile makes it's way to my face
Butterflies in my tummy
When you hold me close
In my thoughts
Is where you are the most
I love your smile
Holding your hand
Kissing your lips
Laughing at your jokes
It could never be fake
This adventure my heart takes
With you by my side
The world seems so bright
Nothing could ever feel more right
I giggle cause your cute
I smile cause your sweet
I listen cause I care
Sometimes I can't help but stare
Closing my eyes
As your voice flows into the air
Looking into your eyes
I couold drowned
So warm and fill of care
I hold you in my heart
I just want you to know
There is on one else
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the way I'm feeling about a guy named Roy.