Chaos of The World

I'm all alone
And yet there are hundreds around me
No one cares to notice the treas that I cry
It feels like I'm going to die
Choking on the voice of reason
Body going numb
Mind going blank
Depaire cluches hold of my heart
So I build up a wall of false hope and joy
Chaos stays in and people out
Mind will refuse
Not knowing the truth of how
Things really are
Creating false realities
Blind to the voice of suffering
I built up walls to keep others out
But inside my heart is begging
Someone please stay
Stay and break down my
Barriers and hold me
Must the world be so cold
And igorant to how time is really spent
Time which is spent putting others down
Time spent condeming others that are different
Time spent to crush your hopes and dreams
My mind is wondering through an ever growing forest of
Lies and false hoods
I decided not to follow
The scheme of the world
And become what is called an untouchable
A roge
A outcast
A shadow
There are few others like me
Who see the world as I do
They see the lies
They see the hate
They see the fake
Screaming tell my ears bleed
Well at least in my head
Keeping all emotions locked inside
For no one to see but me
None dares to take a look
And see the thoughts that
Run through my mind
Sorrow and pain
As well as any other
Depressing thought that sonters throught my mind
They say that the truth hurts
But I say it the denile
Of the truth is what hurts
Only because some part of the mind denied the truth
People try and hide the truth
Behide spoofs of what
They call "reality"
Forced laughter and smiles
A tear streaked face
They say it's to late
But say it's never to late to change your fate
To put yourself in Gods hands
And to trust in the Lord
Just thinking about in makes a smile grace my face
The world seems brighter now
The tears dry up now
Then I feel a kiss apon my forhead
I look up at my partner in crime
My lover
My friend
My Husband
I smile and kiss his cheek
Then turn back to my writing
And continue writing as he holds me in his arms
I have never felt more alive
Knowing that I'm not alone anymore
I have him and God
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote this a couple years back