In a blink

It happened in a blink
It happened so fast
I’m wondering now
Couldn’t I have made it last?

I was so close
I had it right there
I could touch it with my hand
I could feel heat in the air

Just three more minutes
That’s all it would’ve taken
I thought it was for sure
I guess I was mistaken

But then a sudden turn
A lurch to the outside
A flash of a white wall
With no time to bide

A sudden horrid scream
Followed by metals wrench
And now inside cloud
I seem to be drenched

I know we fight for blood
I know we don’t forgive
But I was nice to her
Couldn’t she have let me live?

‘Cause that was just mean
That was just wrong
That was just cruel
That’s not her normal song

And I will move on
Luck to the persistent brings
But still this rejection
I admit it stings

So am I out for blood?
I tell you that I’m not
I’ve been here once before
Where my metal is shot

Because unlike her
I’m willing to forgive
And in those crucial moments
I’m willing to let live

But if she moves again
I promise I’ll be ready
I’ll turn it back at her
I will stand steady

And if she moves again
I’ll be the one to attack
I will forget all mercy
And I will fight back!

I’ve got one week
Seven days to prepare
I promise I will be stronger
And we’ll see how I fare